Tony Grove
Tony Grove
As you proceed up the canyon to Tony Grove turn off, the Logan Canyon landscape opens into a broad meadow.
Willow and dogwood outline the path of the Logan River, which provides excellent fly-fishing.
With the coming of fall the trees turn a brilliant blaze of burnt orange, red, and translucent yellow. In the summer a meadow of wildflowers catch your eye.
During the 1880’s and 1890’s wealthy Cache Valley families would spend six glorious weeks in the lush grove of trees. Logan residents dubbed it “Tony Grove” because it was so popular with “Tonie” or high-toned rich people
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At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
isn't this peaceful looking? did you notice if there is camping nearby or along the way? we don't tent but a place for an rv would be quite nice.
keep up the stories.
grouch when its hot
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