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Monday, February 06, 2006


Nurturing your Talent

Crafting is a booming business across the nation. Craft stores where they sell everything you need to make most anything.
There are craft fairs and craft booths at the State Fair every summer.
Why do they do it? Everyone agrees crafting helps them relax, reduces stress and builds self-esteem.
Learning how to do something constructive and fun to do take’s our minds away from pressing problems of our lives.
Craft classes where you can learn how to do most anything if you would like to learn something new or just getting started.
Oil painting classes are taught even on TV. Most night classes have course’s for oil painting and other painting classes.
Oil painting is not just some thing you can jump into with out some help. There are so many choices on paints, brushes, and canvas.
I learned to oil paint from a friend. I then took a night class at school. I later started watching Bob Ross on TV every Saturday. I use his method and applied it to saw blades and hand saws.
I have not been painting lately and I know it is something that you have to keep up on.
I may need another class. This time I think I will go to a senior center. They have many arts and craft classes.
The most popular craft going now in Utah is scrap booking.
It is like the old albums we use to make with our black and white photos, filled with family and friends.
It is a good idea and everyone I have talked to loves to do it.
So try some thing new or re-new something you haven’t done in awhile. It is stress relief.

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