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Thursday, March 09, 2006


Born Martha Jane Cannnary, raised in Virginia City,Montana,Jane developed skills that would enhance her reputation as a excellent horseman and marksman.
When her parents passed away, young Jane set out to make history.
She was a woman ahead of her time, but she had many unfortunate faults. She drank excessively, it was said she was intoxicated most of her adult life.
Calamity Jane when not on the open roads could be found at the local saloons, drinking and chewing tobacco.
The love life of Calamity Jane is yet another topic of heated discussion.
Many tales of husbands and campaigns have appeared in books.
The most popular is the relationship, with Wild Bill Hickok.
Their relationship was brief but moments before her death she requested to be burred next to Wild Bill.
She can be found at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Deadwood, South Dakota.
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