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Tuesday, March 07, 2006


The Latest Mobile Phones

The distinctive throb of a Harley-Davidson passing you one after another, hundreds of them; they must be headed for Sturgis, South Dakota.
Sturgis, South Dakota is home for the worlds biggest motorcycle rally.
We went to Sturgis before the rally to see what was the attraction, after doing so we decided you had to be a biker to know what the attraction is.
With a population of 6700 this respectable, conservative foothill town is so unlikely a place for the rally, you ask your self, can this be it?
Come August it is metamorphosis into anything but a quite town.
Shortly before Bike Week, a transformation begins in Sturgis. Hundreds of venders arrive with canopies and merchandise.
Church basements become cafeterias, backyards change to campgrounds. The stores that sells other lines of clothing during the rest of the year, gets out the leathers.
The hardware store becomes a motorcycle accessory shop.
When 300,000 bikers arrive, Sturgis becomes MOTARCYCLE CITY USA, for a full week.
Bikers from all over the world flock to the week-long party. This includes thousands of Harley show bikes, dragsters, choppers, motocross rigs, glitzy touring cycles, antiques, and custom bikes.
Four rows of cycles line Main Street for blocks with noise non-stop as the parade of bikes go by.
It is a ruff looking crowd, you would be surprised to learn among the beards, tattoos, and black leather are movie stars, business people, diplomats, police personnel, preachers, doctors and lawyers, both male and female riding bikes.
For a week they are all BORN TO BE WILD.
Just as suddenly as they roared in they roar out the week is over. Back to their lives. They tell you “It’s a spectacle, a happening, and no one can claim to really be a biker if they haven’t been to Sturgis, South Dakota.
From Rapid City, South Dakota I-90 to Ext. 32.



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