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Monday, January 16, 2006


Rand McNally Folded Map: Montana, Wyoming
Rand McNally Folded Map: Montana, Wyoming

Grizzly Bears:

Yellowstone National Park has one of the last remaining populations of grizzly. They have been protected here since 1886
Bears gradually became dependent on humans for food. Harsh winters that killed the game they fed on made them seek other means.
Biscuits, steak scraps, fudge, and ice cream they adapted well to human food.
Begging at the roadside, tourists jammed the roadways to feed them. People were injured and consequently, some bears had to be killed each year.
A remedy had to be found. Rangers closed the garbage dumps and taught campers how to store food safely.
These regulations were strictly enforced.
While difficult at first, the grizzly is once again wild and self-sustaining.

The Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center

Visitors to the West Yellowstone, Montana area have an opportunity to learn and view grizzly bears.
Grizzly that are unable to live in the wild, have a second chance here.
The center cares for the grizzly’s and displays them in a beautiful enclosure each day.
You will see wild life as you never have before. A close up view of live active grizzly bears interacting with each other.
Films, presentations, expert knowledgeable staff and rangers make this a great experience for the whole family. Don’t forget your camera.
Open all year
You can check it out at
DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer: Idaho
DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer: Idaho


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