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Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Heart Attack

Recognizing the signs and know what to do is the most important thing you can do for your self and others.
Don't wait to seek medical care. Every minute counts on the recovery, from a heart attack.
One would think that a heart attack would be easy to recognize. Crushing pain in the chest,strangled gasp as you fall to the ground. That is not just the way all of them happen.
Some heart attack start with a mild discomfort that builds in intensity.
The most common signs are pressure or burning pain in the chest,which may radiate to the back, shoulder blades, jaw or arms.
Shortness of breath is common also.
Women may also experience,weakness,sudden fatigue,cold sweats,nausea,dizziness,or indigestion.
If you think you or someone else is having a heart attack.
Stop all activity,quickly lie down.
If the symptoms persist more than two minutes. Call 911
Do not attempt to rush them to the hospital yourself.
Arriving by ambulance,you will get care much faster than someone who walks in.

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