Master of Disguise

Tufted Puffins are the size of a crow, but they weigh twice as much.
Having short wings and a round body they are odd looking birds.
As puffins prepare for spring breeding, their colors become more decorative. Presumably to attract a mate. Males and female look alike.
When mating season comes they transform into an almost different kind of bird in looks.
They sport a shinny black body, with white feathers lining the underside of the wings.
A white face with tufts of yellow feathers flowing back like pigtails on either side of their heads.
The big, bright, red-orange bill has yellow and sometimes green markings on it.
When mating season is over and their one chick has been raised, off comes the mask of disguise.
The big orange bill is now smaller and a dull reddish brown, the tufts are gone. The shinny black body with white feathers have turned to all dull black.
Only the reddish feet remain as proof they are the same birds.
Spending thee majority of the year out to sea, coming to land only to breed makes this a truly unique bird.
With waterproof feathers and ability to drink salt water there is no need to come ashore.
Tufted Puffins are able to get everything they need from the ocean,diving up to 200 feet they appear to fly through the water with strong pointed wings, as they chase their next meal.
Come spring, they will put on the mask of disguise and come ashore once again.
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