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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Slot Machines

New York Times Bestsellers
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Slot Machines

The One Arm Bandits

We enjoy gambling on a small scale.  I believe it is all luck.
Still the pros believe in probabilities.
Professionals are committed to finding an edge and winning.  Many books are written on how to.
With the book, you are able to get the maximum enjoyment out of your next casino visit.
They are inexpensive so I leave that up to you.
My advice is simple:
Set a limit for what you will spend and stick to it.  To do this think of what would be a reasonable price to pay for the enjoyment of playing the slots?
Decide the denomination of the slot machine you will play.  A good plan is to start with the nickel and work your way up.
With the reintroduction of the penny machine you can spend all day and not go over the budget.  I even won $50 last time I tried them. Never had so much fun and spent so few coins.
Never play with more than you can afford to lose.
Divide your total bankroll for the trip by the number of days you plan to stay.
Divide your allowance by the number of hours you want to play.
Start out slow.  
To find a good machine use a roll of coins and see if you get a return of 90 % back.  If so that is a good machine.  If the machine eats up more than 10% it is probably going to eat a lot of your money.  Find another machine.
Enjoy your self.  If you set your limits and play a machine you can afford, you are not playing with anything, and you can’t afford to lose.

Treasure Island - Las Vegas


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