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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Wild Horse Slaughter




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Because of the 20% population growth in wild horses every year, the Government has set appropriate management levels for each area.
Every state with wild horses is required to round up and sell off all they can at an Adopt-A-Horse sale. That is how a lot of them get sold to meat packing plants for overseas meat markets.
The wild horses need a lot of room to roam and their range is about 20 to 30 miles per herd.
This BLM holding area is close to where we live.
It always makes me sad to see them, they look so unhappy there.
Notice the brand on the neck, it a BLM number so they will not be sent to slaughter after they are purchase. But it happens all the time.The money that their meat sells for, to over seas markets, are just to attractive to some people.


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