National Elk Refuge

The elk look much like this herd
Any winter day, since 1809, you can watch the feeding of around eight thousand head of elk, so they will not starve, during the snow covered long winter days.
It was in 1912 that the official Refuse was created.
In late October and early November thousands of elk begin their migration from Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, to their winter range in Jackson Hole.
For the next six month Jackson will have these magnificent animals on display for all to see.
Around 8000 elk make the National Elk Refuse there home for the winter.
They are fed pelletized alfalfa hay. These pellets have a higher nutritional value than regular bailed hay. This adds up to 30 tons a day for the herd.
Visitors can get a close up look in the middle of the herd, by sleigh ride.
You can get your tickets at the Visitors Center in Jackson Hole.
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