The old west
Antelope Live Here
Wyoming is a western state that is still part of the old west.
Still cowboy’s, pickup trucks and apple pie American.
We started out to look for the old west. Pioneers and trails at South Pass.
Sacagawea and Indian are at Lander.
We found all that and something we were not even looking for.
Everywhere herds of antelope. On both sides of the highway. How exciting it was to see so many just roaming free.
The bucks or males have horns that grow to be about 16 inches in length. The doe, or female sometimes have short little horns.
Most fawns are born the last week of May or the first two weeks in June.
Twins are normal with a mature doe.
These animals are unique. They are the fastest hoofed animal in the world. Only the cheetah cat can beat them. Just hours after they are born the little ones can keep up with the heard.
They raise and lower the hair on their body to control the body temperature and alert others of danger.
The cutest thing I have ever seen was a doe and fawn. The baby just came up to the mothers knee cap.
At 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
really! i had to cllick the handicap sign and then the identiy to even get to do a response.
keep up the good stories.....i din't know this about antelope and there are herds in idaho!!!!
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