Doo Wop music rocks

Doo wop Music
There is a song, Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay.
I am sure glad to see that is true.
Every generation has their music, ours is the sounds of Doo Wop.
Young and old alike enjoy the sounds of Doo Wop now that it has been re-introduced by PBS in a couple of specials.
That was all it took to get us up and looking for all of the groups that we thought had stopped recording.
Now Doo Wop is performed in and around most big cities.
There are several groups in Las Vegas doing Doo Wop every night.
Most music stores sell Doo Wop music now. There are many mail order and internet sites that sell Doo wop.
This is the music of our times and we are very please that it has made a comeback.
Recently we were in Phoenix,Az and caught the act by the Fake Four. While they are not of the old Doo Wop groups it is great to hear the music and surprising that these guys that played it were young.
The audience was the younger generation as well.
Lets support these Doo Wop groups and keep the Doo Wop music alive.
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