Rock art, as long as 12,000 years ago, but the Fremont Indians, 2200 years ago created most of the rock art or petroglyphs in Utah.
Rock art as we call it, comes in two varieties, pictographs and petroglyphs.
Pictographs are painted designs are painted on rocks using either, fingers, dog hair, or yucca fibers to paint the images.
Petroglyhps, are designed by actually cutting into the rock using a pointed stone to chisel out the design in the rock.
Most people refer to the ones they see as petroglyphs when in fact that is not what they are. There are more painted on ones than chiseled ones.
Many designs and drawings left by this culture have never been explained, just that it has power and beauty in the art.
There are many places to view rock art. Some requires a hike and some just off the road like the ones we found in Moab, Utah.
Sadly the ones close to the road are getting marked through by careless people who do not value the lost art. These were found along the beautiful Colorado River.
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