With their shaggy coats and doleful eyes bison has long reigned as the icon of the American West.
North American bison, commonly called buffalo one roamed free in the west in staggering amounts.
The estimated 50 to 65 million roamed here in the 1800’s. Poaching and over hunting drove the buffalo to near extinction.
The only place now you can see one is in the Parks, zoos and private ranches.
They are making a come back through the efforts of these people. But this is causing a population problem in the parks. The amount of buffalo is swelling every year. The bison may become the first casualty of their own success.
Yellowstone National Park is having a bison hunt this year. It will be by drawing for a chance to kill and tag one.
The first round was last year and is already over where hunters shot 15 animals. That round will end January 15. Round 2 will start the next day and go through February 15.
It is a pilot effort, state wildlife officials are hoping to manage bison like they do other big game animals.
Opponents of the hunt say the hunt is unnecessary and cruel. The shooting of buffalo is unfair because they are a species that has no protected habitat outside Yellowstone National Park.
The hunt is very difficult to watch. When one buffalo is shot, the others in the nearby herd are affected too.
The mate will come over to the downed animal and try to lift the shot buffalo back onto its feet.
On the other side the wildlife management has no choice. They are required by law to manage these animals.
Will this be repeated this year? More than likely they tell me.The herd has to be thined out.
I think there should be many other and better ways.
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