It happened and could happen again, any time.
Crescent City, California sea side town of 7500 people, was devastated when a tsunami swept in form the Pacific ocean on March 28,1964.
The business district was leveled and 11 people were killed.
On the afternoon of March 27, 1964, Alaska was shaken by a earthquake. From it center, beneath Prince Williams Sound the quake sent a tsunami rippling across the Pacific down the coast of Canada and United States, Crescent City was where it landed.
Underwater topography can steer a tsunami towards a particular point along the coast and can even increase in power as it goes.
Crescent City sets on that kind of a shore line.
21 foot waves swept into the harbor, 4 waves in all struck the city.
The travel time from Alaska to Crescent City was 4.1 hours.
When daylight came there was devastation everywhere. The business district gone, fuel tanks were on fire, autos tipped over, derbies and other ruins piled high and covered with mud and sea weed.
Crescent City, California is the only city in the USA where people have been killed by a tsunami.
The residents take tsunami warnings very seriously, and a lot of preparations have been made,just incase.
we stay in Crescent City every time we go to the West Coast. It is very beautiful there and we are mindful of the tsunami.
If you go be aware of the tide when you visit the lighthouse. You could get caught without a way back to shore.
On the harbor you can see seals barking and doing every thing they can to get you to feed them.
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